Email Marketing 101

Discover how to develop, manage and advertise your own profit generating Ezine.

Here is some of what you will learn in this easy to follow ebook:

  • The most important thing you need when publishing an ezine and why!
  • How to get quality content for your ezine … even if your writing sucks and you failed high school English!
  • How to quickly and easily find a hot niche market to target with your ezine!
  • How to create an attractive, professional-looking ezine without having to know any Geeky technical stuff at all!
  • How to develop your list and ensure you have a responsive, highly-targeted audience for your ezine!
  • How to cross-market with other ezine publishers and grow your list like it’s on steroids!
  • 6 ways to manage your list and ensure that your subscribers feel respected and appreciated and are therefore even more likely to buy from you!
  • What double opt-in is and whether you really need to do it with your ezine subscribers!

And much, much more

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About Skill Buzzar!!! Starting your own eCommerce shop has never been easier with Skill Buzzar! Buy & Sell an Excel file, tutorials in pdf or ppt, specialized industry related stuff etc. (mostly downloadable in Zip format)

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