Capturing Costumers

Discover what you need to know to get and keep customers.

If you are struggling with getting a business underway this product will give you some of the best strategies to put an end to your frustration with trying to wade through all the info you need to know to get and keep customers!

With the variety of products and services available in the market place today being so vast, it is sometimes difficult to get the desired attention of the already greatly shrinking customer base. Look inside for more information

In This Book, You Will Learn:

  • The Basics
  • Provide Value And Figure Out Where Your Customer Loyalty Is
  • What People Need
  • Make Sure To Network
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About Skill Buzzar!!! Starting your own eCommerce shop has never been easier with Skill Buzzar! Buy & Sell an Excel file, tutorials in pdf or ppt, specialized industry related stuff etc. (mostly downloadable in Zip format)

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