Learning The Legalese

Discover all the ins and outs of legalities for your home business. As with any endeavor there is bound to be some sort of documentation requirement involved, therefore it is…

Positive Power

Learn how to maintain your resolution to cut out the negativity. Life is full of ups and downs. What’s important is you do not know how to give up. Instead,…

Kind words from our happy customers.

Thank you so much for your help. I love your support system. Checkout should be nominated for customer service of the year. After using Checkout my business skyrocketed!

I would also like to thank John for helping me with a side project I had a question on. He went above and beyond to answer my questions.

April Gibson

Product Designer, IDEO

Thank you for making it painless, pleasant and most of all hassle free! Checkout is the real deal! I am completely blown away.

Saul Goodman

Attorney at Law

Needless to say we are extremely satisfied with Checkout. I will recommend Array to my colleagues. I strongly recommend Checkout to anyone interested in running a digital marketplace!

Hunter Thompson

Journalist and Writer

It’s incredible. Checkout is great. In fact, it should probably be nominated for WordPress theme of the year.

Courtney Scott

Graphic Designer, Apple

A seriously good theme. Thanks to Checkout, we’ve just launched our 5th website! Dude, your stuff is the bomb! I love Checkout.

Peggy Olson

Copy Chief

I have gotten at least 50 times the value from Checkout. We’ve seen amazing results already. Thank you so much for your help!

Walter White

Chemistry Teacher